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Project crypto-data-store


Total alerts Language grade: JavaScript


Crypto Data Store is a module to write Objects Javascript in a file with encryption or not.

  • Full typescript support


At the moment this is a experimental module

Table of contents

Reports and Pull Requests

Open PR here
Open issues here

Use in typescript

import DataStore from 'crypto-data-store';
import type { IDataStore, Schema } from 'crypto-data-store';

interface SchemaTable {
  url?: string;
  token?: string;

const schema: Schema<SchemaTable> = {
  url: '',
  token: '',

const dataStore = new DataStore<SchemaTable>({
  fileName: 'db.tmp',

  url: 'https://leydev.com.br',
  token: 'beare some-token-for-authentication-here',

const fileName = dataStore.getFileName();

const token = dataStore.read('token');

const secret = dataStore.getSecret();

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Nome do arquivo', fileName);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('token de acesso', token);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Secret key used', secret);

Use in Javascript

const DataStore = require('crypto-data-store').default;

const schema = {
  url: '',
  token: '',

const dataStore = new DataStore({
  fileName: 'db.tmp',

  url: 'https://leydev.com.br',
  token: 'beare some-token-for-authentication-here',

const fileName = dataStore.getFileName();

const token = dataStore.read('token');

const secret = dataStore.getSecret();

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Nome do arquivo', fileName);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('token de acesso', token);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Secret key used', secret);

Recovery data from encrypted file

import DataStore from 'crypto-data-store';
import type { IDataStore, Schema } from 'crypto-data-store';

interface SchemaTable {
  url?: string;
  token?: string;

const schema: Schema<SchemaTable> = {
  url: '',
  token: '',

const dataStore = new DataStore<SchemaTable>({
  fileName: 'db.tmp',
  // The key used to encrypt file must be the same to decrypt
  secret: 'unZe59gwkY02ahHwUyiFusBnFnwhSIExdLgZhA47A14=:y7rMUbRs1NbX88pqlr6UtA==',

const data = dataStore.read('url');

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('URL:', data); // output: 'https://leydev.com.br'

Disable encryption

const dataStore = new DataStore<SchemaTable>({
  fileName: 'db.tmp',
  // To disable encryption on write file
  encrypt: false,

Change algorithm of encryption

const dataStore = new DataStore<SchemaTable>({
  fileName: 'db.tmp',
  // Change algorithm
  algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc' // 'aes-256-cbc' is default

Handle errors

import DataStore from 'crypto-data-store';
import type { IDataStore, Schema } from 'crypto-data-store';

interface SchemaTable {
  url?: string;
  token?: string;

const schema: Schema<SchemaTable> = {
  url: '',
  token: '',

const dataStore = new DataStore<SchemaTable>({
  fileName: 'db.tmp',

try {
  const data = dataStore.read('token');
} catch(error) {
  console.error(error) // Instance of DataStoreException

Change log NPM

  • 1.0.7 Fix types, better eslint, secret key more compressed
    • Now methods like .read(key: string) can show properties of schema without pass generic type.
    • For developers, eslint config was updated for better lint code typescript;
    • The secret key by default, will be outputted as base64 because it's length less than base15 (hex)
  • 1.0.6 Overwrite optional
    • Now, if you have a file with data, on write it, the data object will be merged. Except if you went to overwrite data, so you should set overwrite: true when instancing class DataStore.
  • 1.0.5 Support to add secret on instance DataStore class
    • Now it's possible to inject a secret key to open files already encrypted before

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